365买球app下载 Consumer Protection Program
消费者保护部门负责检查儿童保育设施和食品零售场所. 其使命是通过教育和适用科罗拉多州法规的执行来防止食源性和传染病的传播.
Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) courses and exam
公共卫生部每年以英语和西班牙语举办四次免费的CFPM课程. Registration is required. The CFPM class is free, 但参与者必须在上课前购买学习资料和CFPM考试. 注册时将提供有关如何购买学习资料和考试的说明.
Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) courses and exam
2月. 26, 2024
小君. 11, 2024
9月. 23, 2024
12月. 3, 2024
*Registration is required by 发邮件 or calling (970) 625-5200, ext. 8130
Restaurant 检查
Retail food establishment 许可 information
NOTE: To operate a retail food establishment in 365买球app下载, you must become licensed to sell food to the public.
Step 1 - Submit Plan
Please submit the following:
——完成 Restaurant/Catering Plan Review Application or Mobile Unit Plan Review application or Mobile Unit Plan Review application Spanish
- $100.00 fee (make checks payable to '365买球app下载 财务主管')
- Equipment specification sheets
- Architectural plans
365买球app下载 公共卫生
Attn: Consumer Protection
195 W. 14th Street, Suite A
步枪,CO 81650
(970) 625-4804
Attn: Consumer Protection
Step 2 - Plan review
The inspector reviews the plans and will contact you with questions.
CRS 25-4-1605(4)规定,卫生部门应在14个工作日内对提交的任何计划作出回应. 请注意,这并不意味着计划将在14天内获得批准.
Step 3 - Plan approval
The inspector will issue a plan approval letter to begin construction. This letter does not grant approval to open!
Step 4 - Pre-Operational Inspection
一旦施工完成,检查员将安排操作前检查. 如果当时没有未解决的关键事项,则批准开放,等待:
- 提交食品零售经营许可申请(审核合格后提供申请)并缴纳许可费用.
- Final approval from 建筑 authority and fire department is granted.
- All required sales tax licenses and permits have been obtained.
零售食品许可证是特定于所有者和地点的,不可转让. A new license must be obtained by new ownership prior to operating.
If a change of ownership is occurring mid-year, the new owner is responsible for obtaining a new license at full cost; licenses are not prorated. All licenses expire on 12月ember 31 of each year. 如果您要对设施、菜单或设备进行重大更改,则需要进行计划审查.
Please complete the RETAIL FOOD CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP packet 并在所有权转移前回到365买球app下载的消费者保护部门. You will be contacted by an inspector regarding change of ownership.
如果您计划在365买球app下载举办有食物的特别活动,请提交 Event Coordinator Plan Review Application at least 30 days prior to 你的 event. Incomplete plans will not be accepted. 由于时间原因,迟交的计划(活动前少于30天)可能无法获得批准,如果获得批准,将收取50美元的滞纳金. Submission of application does not guarantee approval.
Food vendors please fill out the following application: Temporary Vendor Application (English) or Temporary Vendor Application (Spanish) 在日历年度的首次活动前至少10个工作日. 由于时间原因,逾期(活动前10天内)提交的申请可能无法获得批准,如果获得批准,将收取50美元的滞纳金. DO NOT submit payment with application. 一旦您的申请被审查并通知您应支付的费用金额,我们将与您联系. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Submission of application does not guarantee approval.
活动协调员计划审查和临时供应商申请可以通过以下方式提交:邮件:365买球app下载公共卫生中心:消费者保护195w. 14th Street, Suite A 步枪,CO 81650 电子邮件 传真: (970) 625-4804 Attn: Consumer Protection
报告一起疑似食源性疾病病例或365买球app下载某食品企业的不卫生状况, please call (970) 625-5200 ext. 8130 or 电子邮件. Please provide the following information:
• Your name and contact information
• Other ill persons in 你的 party and their contact information
食品安全 recalls
U.S. Food and Drug 政府
Protecting and promoting 你的 健康
食源性疾病 is a widespread and costly public 健康 problem. 食源性疾病是指因食用被细菌污染的食品或饮料而引起的任何疾病, 病毒, 寄生虫, 化学, 或毒素. The typical symptoms of foodborne illness include nausea, 呕吐, 腹泻, 胃痉挛, 和发烧. 在极少数情况下, more severe side effects can result, such as nerve damage, 肾脏损害, 流产, 和死亡.
幼儿和老年人更容易产生严重的副作用, 但年轻, 健康y adults are also susceptible. 据估计,每年有六分之一的美国人会患上食源性疾病, and thousands more will be hospitalized. As many as 3,000 deaths are attributed to foodborne illness in the U.S. 每年, 哪些可以通过在家庭和食品服务中应用适当的食品安全原则来预防. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)估计,只要减少10%的食源性疾病,每年就能防止500万美国人生病.
Consumer protection team
Roles and responsibilities:
- Licenses and inspects retail food establishments, including over 300 365买球app下载 restaurants, 杂货店, 酒吧, 便利店, 学校的厨房, 还有餐车
- Inspects temporary events where food is served, such as the 365买球app下载 Fair, 节日, and farmer’s markets
- Enforces the Colorado Retail Food Establishment rules and regulations
- Assists in foodborne illness outbreak investigations
- Conducts plan reviews, 检查, and approval of all new or extensively remodeled food establishments
- Provides food safety education classes for restaurant workers
- 调查有关怀疑食源性疾病和食品零售场所不卫生状况的投诉
- Inspects childcare facilities for proper sanitation