紧急 Management
在科罗拉多州, even on private lands, 这是非法的 to possess or ignite any form of firework that is propelled into the air. Whether the entire incendiary, or only a portion of it is fired into the air, 这是非法的, unless you are a licensed professional with a valid permit. 在联邦土地上, including BLM and Forest Service, the use of fireworks of any type, 耀斑, or other incendiary devices, including exploding targets, are always prohibited.
Monsoons in western Colorado
Be prepared for wildfire
When wildfires ignite, they may spread quickly, leaving people with very little time to grab necessities, secure pets or livestock, 和疏散. The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and 紧急 Management (DHSEM) offers tips on how to prepare for wildfire, and protect yourself if a fire ignites near your home.
野火 preparedness
紧急 Operations Center
Bornholdt named 紧急 Manager of the Year
365买球app下载 紧急 Manager Chris Bornholdt has been named the 2021 紧急 Manager of the Year in Colorado. He earned the prestigious Colorado 紧急 Managers Association President’s Award for his leadership and dedication to protecting the community.
Recovering from a disaster
Developing a recovery plan for recovering from a disaster can not only be prudent prior to a disaster, but also to begin rebuilding following a disaster. The Federal Trade Commission has consumer information and tips to keep in mind for citizens working to rebuild following a disaster.
Continuity of Operations
The 365买球app下载 Continuity of Operations Plan (鸡笼) outlines the manner in which the community’s public safety and essential needs are met in the event of an emergency. This framework helps reduce risk, and increase the county’s resiliency, ensuring the best possible service to the public.
Semis and other oversized commercial vehicles are barred from traveling over roads that lead to Cottonwood Pass, and in the Four Mile area near Glenwood弹簧. New signage is in place alerting drivers to these restrictions.
365买球app下载 road restrictions
Eagle County road restrictions
365买球app下载 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
365买球app下载 has adopted a new Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan that prioritizes natural disaster risks and focuses on ways to prevent loss of life and destruction of private property.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
365买球app下载 社区 野火 Protection Plan
InciWeb Incident Information System
InciWeb is an interagency all-risk incident information management system. It was developed to provide the public a single source of incident-related information and to provide a standardized reporting tool for the Public Affairs community. Its supporting systems automate the delivery of incident information to remote sources to provide consistent active incident information timely delivery.