建筑许可 & 应用程序
取得建筑许可证, complete a 建筑 permit application and submit it with two sets of construction documents. The construction documents should include: a foundation plan (an engineered design may be required) and a site grading plan (if any resolutions and/or land use permit(s) are associated with this property, you will need to submit them as well). Colorado statutes require most commercial projects and some residential projects to be sealed by a Colorado Licensed Design Professional. A plan check fee is collected at time of submittal.
The 建筑 permit review process includes a review for compliance with the 土地使用守则, for compliance with the 2015 IRC and 2015 IBC 建筑 codes, and other 采用的建筑规范. 审查完成后, the final fees will be calculated and the permit will be ready for issuance.
A 建筑 permit becomes null and void if the work authorized is not commenced within 180 days of the date of issuance and if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after commencement.
所有 电许可 是通过国家发放的吗. For electrical inspections call: 1-877-314-1094 or 1-877-320-9150.
单户住宅 (complete packet)
This includes all the permit 应用程序 needed for a new single family dwelling construction (建筑 permit, 车道许可证, 分级许可, 化粪池许可证.
Manufactured homes including tiny homes
This includes all the permit 应用程序 needed for a new manufactured dwelling construction (建筑 permit, 车道许可证, 分级许可, 化粪池许可证.
商业或多户住宅 (complete packet)
This includes all the permit 应用程序 needed for a new commercial or multifamily dwelling construction (建筑 permit, 车道许可证, 分级许可, 化粪池许可证. It is recommended that the application and/or architect meet with a Building Plans Examiner at the end of design development phase and prior to submission of the construction documents.
附属住宅单位(ADU) (complete packet)
This includes all the permit 应用程序 needed for an accessory dwelling unit construction. Please note: ADU’s are limited to a maximum floor area of 1,200 square feet. See ADU 规定 to verify that the ADU is in compliance with the standards, 规定, 和需求.
A Secondary or 访问ory Dwelling unit located within the same structure as a primary dwelling unit invokes certain Building Code provisions that require proper detailing of construction assemblies on the part of the designer, as well as proper execution at the job site by the builder.
365买球app下载 residential projects with two or more dwelling units in the same structure require a Colorado licensed Architect to wet-seal drawings submitted for 建筑 permit. The Architect shall specifically address 关键防火规定 of the Building Code and the Architect must wet seal/ stamp the drawings submitted along with the 建筑 permit application.
一般建筑许可证: 住宅 or 商业
These are general 建筑 permit 应用程序 for all small construction projects (decks, 栅栏, 等.) and additions (room additions, detached/attached garage, 等.) or alterations (converting unfinished basement into finished) for any residential or commercial 建筑.
农业职工住房 (affidavit)
If you want to build an agricultural employee dwelling unit to provide housing for an agricultural employee, the owner will need to submit this agreement form along with a general 建筑 permit. 收费是按平方英尺计算的.
If you want to build a garage prior to 建筑 a dwelling, the owner will need to submit this agreement form along with a General Building permit.
A permit is required for any excavation, 分级或土方工程施工, 包括填充物和堤防. A 分级许可 is not needed if there is a 建筑 permit in place for the same project.
To alter, repair or install an onsite wastewater treatment system, submit an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System application, along with a completed site and s石油 evaluation, system design, and site plan to 365买球app下载. 1月1日以后, 2020, Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) in 365买球app下载 are regulated and permitted through 365买球app下载 公共卫生’s 环境卫生 Division.
重置屋顶许可证 application PDF-|
重置屋顶许可证s are limited to the removal and/or replacement of roofing materials and underlayments only. If any sheathing or structural members are to be replaced, a 建筑 permit will be required. 盖屋许可证费用为$100.
拆迁许可证s are required to remove, change or alter any existing structure (residential or commercial) within 365买球app下载. 石棉和消减信息. 拆卸许可证费用为25元.
签署许可证申请s shall be accompanied by site plans, 标志规范, drawings of proposed signs and may require engineered drawings. Sign permit fees are $1 per square foot, plus a flat fee of $25.
To view the 2015 IRC Building Guides please visit the 科罗拉多州国际商会网站.
Use this work sheet to help determine the Building Permit fees (PDF工作表 / Excel工作表),这将是你的项目的截止日期.